Friday, August 27, 2010

I can see His hand.

Even in the scariest most tearful moments, I can see His hand.

Every time I feel at my end, I turn to Him.
That is His hand, His work, His drawing me.

I have felt tossed and tumbled, but never not-anchored.

I have felt confused but never lost.

I have felt angry, but He has turned that to joy and trust, not bitterness.

Even when I let go, He holds on.

I see His hand so clearly in my weakness.

I see it so clearly.

I don't know what's coming.

I know His hand won't let me go.

I trust Him.


We are pressed but not crushed, perplexed but don't despair. We are persecuted but not abandoned. We are no longer slaves, we are daughters and sons. And when we are weak, we are very strong. For neither death nor life nor present nor future nor depth nor height can keep us from the love of Christ.

This rings so true for me right now. I see His hand in that I was perplexed but I didn't despair.

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