Wednesday, April 27, 2011

watch stuff grow.

I recently spent a half hour finding this article online. It's a favorite of mine - I read it back when I wasn't doing so well in the Fall with being sick, struggling with the depression and change of it all, and just an overall sense of failure that came with my new limits.

Hope you are well.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

THESE DAYS (april'11)

These days..

- using grocery bags as a shower cap
- jergens body lotion, xoxo
- scrubbing down my skin with my loofa
- KIND fruit and nut bars
- glitter nail polish

- keeping room clean; laundry all put away
- taking my vitamins every day
- crazy good dental hygiene: brush, floss, tongue-scrape, rinse.
- staying calm and relaxed about life and responsibilities

- making my bed
- going to my govt job. flexibility = lazy brielle.
- going to more of my college classes
- reading my economics books

- "Falling In" by Lifehouse
- "Colder Weather" by Zac Brown Band
- "Somewhere with You" by Kenny Chesney

in time of daffodils who know
the goal of living is to grow
- ee cummings

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

you get through.

There's something surprisingly empowering about getting through a rough time. Even if you tripped a couple times, messed up, and cried a lot of tears - you got through, and it was good. There's a kind of fearless about the future that is born. It's not that you don't care, or cannot be hurt. There are plenty of hopes and fears; dreams are the potential for disappointments. No, it's not a crazed rushing ahead, or a dull-hearted apathy. You just know that no matter what happens, you'll hold on, and you'll get through, and you'll love, and it will be good.

I remember towards the end of my summer of antibiotics, a few days before going off of them, I realized that I had made it through, that I had won. And then I realized, we cannot lose. What is winning? Staying alive? Not losing our faith? Getting up despite stumbles and falls? Because of the Holy Spirit in me, no matter what, I won't be let go. No matter how I react, he will redirect my gaze. No matter what happens in my body, I will be brought safely home.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

One year with lyme.

These last two weeks I have been celebrating my 1 year anniversary with lyme disease.

I'm much calmer about life these days. I've found that most everything can be put back together. And, when they cant be put together and we fall apart at the loss and change, we can be put back together.

This means you don't have to worry about failing, messing up, letting people down, or ruining your life. Just plant seeds in whatever season you find yourself in. Trust God to make things grow, rejoice when he does, submit to his pruning, and trust when you don't know how the seeds will take root.

One of my favorite life-will-be-okay-songs to listen to is Rob Thomas' "Little Wonders." Our lives are made of "these little wonders - these twists and turns of fate." I really, really don't like lyme disease. It's annoying. But this little twist has been a wonder. I love how far I've come, and don't regret this last year. My life, and my person has changed and morphed in good ways. I'm calm, I trust the Lord more, I'm not as obsessed with my works and abilities. Most of all, there's this deep love and happiness. I'm am often weary of life, yet there's this different sort of happiness, it's calm and steady love for God and others that causes me to enjoy the days here.

Looking ahead still scares me a lot. I have no idea how certain things are going to fall into place this year, let alone for the rest of my life with this disease. I can give my babies lyme through the freaking placenta and breast milk. (a. yes i just said that and b. yes i think way to far ahead..) But I know that a year ago, this year looked like darkness, and that darkness has turned to light. Tomorrow, and 20 years from now, will be the same way.

And man, it feels good to be done with year 1.