Sunday, April 17, 2011

you get through.

There's something surprisingly empowering about getting through a rough time. Even if you tripped a couple times, messed up, and cried a lot of tears - you got through, and it was good. There's a kind of fearless about the future that is born. It's not that you don't care, or cannot be hurt. There are plenty of hopes and fears; dreams are the potential for disappointments. No, it's not a crazed rushing ahead, or a dull-hearted apathy. You just know that no matter what happens, you'll hold on, and you'll get through, and you'll love, and it will be good.

I remember towards the end of my summer of antibiotics, a few days before going off of them, I realized that I had made it through, that I had won. And then I realized, we cannot lose. What is winning? Staying alive? Not losing our faith? Getting up despite stumbles and falls? Because of the Holy Spirit in me, no matter what, I won't be let go. No matter how I react, he will redirect my gaze. No matter what happens in my body, I will be brought safely home.

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