Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rebuilding from Scratch

I feel very numb today.
As thought I slept all day and am in a fog.
At least this evening I'm somehow not tired..which is different.

But very much feeling the things I felt this summer -
apathetic about life
apathetic about my future
apathetic about things that i think i would have found fun in the past?
i enjoy things and kind of look forward to them, but not really
there's nothing months that i'm looking fw'd to.
days seem to have no number, no difference
i'm scared by small tasks - going to the bank to cash checks.
i have a very hard time getting through 2 hours of work at NARA
i feel incredibly victorious after organizing a drawer or mailing the rent

I'm scared to admit I'm like this - to myself, to others.
I'm afraid people will think I am useless, I am afraid that I am useless.

.. crying now as I type this. and just praying to God, "help me, help me."
I remember last time I went thought this, and He met me in the lowest places.
And I don't know what will work from this, but He is good and does good.
I feel pathetic that I'm going through this again, even though I'm not on medicines.
I don't know what's wrong. If it's just my heart. My sin. My discontent.


I don't want to trust in a plan, or in distractions, or in things that make me feeeel happy.
But I think that a combination is good - of truth and motivators.
And so right now I'm going to have my devotions. But then I'm going to clean because it helps.

This week my scary obstacles to overcome are:
- Drive to bank and cash checks
(I should do this tomorrow - wednesday)
- call university about healthcare waiver,
didn't get to this over the summer. :P
- Go to Fire Dept proby training (on Friday night)

1 comment:

hannah joy said...

oh brielle.

it is so good for you to be admitting all your thoughts and feelings to yourself. admit them to God and cast yourself on him. this is what i see you doing in this post. this is so hard! but it is so good for you! God will help you and eventually you will see why he had you go through this! you will be so glad that he made you lean on him and trust him. thank you so much for posting brielle! you have NO idea how much this just helped me. i know what you are going through and i'm struggling with many of the same things you posted about. its so good to know that you are too (although i really wish you weren't!) it makes me feel less weird and less self-focused when i know i'm not the only one. and what a good example you are of casting everything on the Lord! i want to be more like you! thank you soooo much for being the friend you are!

i know you posted it a while ago but i just read it and it was perfect timing. please be encouraged and know that God is pleased in how you are seeking him.

praying for you all the time! <3