Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Turn on the lights.

There was some Dumbledore quote on Pinterest about "turning on the lights" and finding happiness. I saw it the other day and realized how poorly I've done this semester in regards to positivity.

Last Spring I was all about how I had multiple jobs and no free time. So I quit my job in August at the Archives for a low-work and low-money semester. What I didn't realize is how hard this would actually be. No spending money, no pedicures, and no financial padding when I crashed my car and needed to repair it. As I liked to put it every week, "My life was utterly horrific." And believe me, it's been stressful. But the stress aside, I didn't realize what I had - a lot of time.

I could go back and realize how I could do everything differently, but that won't gain me much. So I'm going to think about today, these last weeks of school, and the holidays. I don't have a ton of money for presents, and that does bug me a lot. But I have this time, and I can do my best. Big presents for everyone is out of my reach, it's not within my best. My best will have to look different this month. But it's a real thing, and a good thing, and I can achieve it. :)

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